Orders and Returns


Once you submit an order, we can’t guarantee changes or cancellations, because of the speed and efficiency of our order processing and fulfillment. If you would like to make changes to, or cancel your order, please contact Customer Service.

Any cancelled order will be promptly refunded. Please allow 2 - 4 business days for pending charges to clear your account. Little Debbie will not process the pending charge, and it will fall off your statement per your banking institution’s processing policies.

Exchanges and Refunds

Little Debbie is unable to issue refunds unless your product arrives damaged. Damaged product can include but is not limited to: opened, melted or expired product. If your product is damaged, please send images of the damaged product by replying to the order confirmation email. Once Customer Service reviews the images, Little Debbie will replace the product, or issue a refund for the price paid for the item, less any applicable shipping and handling. In most cases this credit should appear on your card in the next regular billing cycle. We reserve the right to offer refunds in the form of Little Debbie Online Store credit.

For orders with tracking information showing delivered but the order has not been delivered, please wait 24 hours before contacting Customer Service. After 24 hours, Little Debbie will replace the product, or issue a refund for the price paid for the item. If a replacement order is shipped and the tracking shows delivered for the replacement order but it has not been delivered, Little Debbie is unable to send a second replacement or issue a refund for the price paid for the original items.  Replacement orders that are returned to sender are not eligible for a refund. 

For refunded or damaged product you received as a gift, you will receive a refund in the form of store credit for the Little Debbie Online Store.

If your item is shipped to your address and comes back as undeliverable, you will be charged for your item and you will need to provide a deliverable address. Please note: Little Debbie is not responsible for misspellings or other personalization errors once you have approved the personalized message on your order. We will not refund consumer spelling errors.

Orders older than 30 days from original purchase date are not eligible for refund.